Hormones and Hair Loss


Hey friends! I’m super excited for this post since I’ve been wanting to share it for quite awhile.

A little over a year ago I got introduced to a licensed naturopath doctor here in Scottsdale, AZ. I’d been suffering from random symptoms after having my second baby and my regular doctors all agreed that I was perfectly healthy. During our CONSULTATION she was able to give me a pretty good guess as to what had been going on and we later confirmed it with bloodwork. You guys… I thought I was crazy! I cried when I finally figured out what was going on and now a year later I’ve never felt better.

So I since I have tons of friends and clients who have suffered from hair loss over the years, so I wanted to share a little bit about some possible causes and treatments.


Hair Loss Causes and Treatments

So there are so many different reasons and causes for hair loss which makes the whole problem super frustrating. Sometimes you’ll notice more hair loss in the shower or in your brush, maybe you’ve had extensions for awhile and decided to take a break and now your hair feels super thin. The problem for a lot of the women sit in my chair is that they’ve noticed the hair loss but don’t know what to do for it or where to go. Or they just feel like it’s normal and inevitable. Women who have thick and thin hair both can suffer from hair loss, unfortunately for us it just doesn’t matter. If you’re loosing more than normal it’s time to check a few things out and try to narrow down the cause.

  1. Stress. Extreme stress can definitely cause temporary hair loss and sometimes it almost has a delayed effect. So say you’ve lost your job or you’re going through a big move... you may notice hair loss a few months after the fact. And now you’re stressed over that (it’s a vicious cycle). So try to chill out!

  2. Natural hair cycle. There are 3 phases of hair growth and can vary in length from person to person. Your hair grows about 1/2 an inch a month and usually faster in the summer. When your hair gets to the Telogen Phase (Hair Loss Phase) strands are released and then fall out. The follicle can remain inactive for up to 3 months before the new growth starts. So if you’re in that inactive period you can definitely start to feel a little thin. This is a totally normal type of hair loss and we all experience it. If it doesn’t start growing back or getting thick again, that’s when you have an issue.

  3. Hormone imbalances or changes. If your hormones are out of whack then it’s no surprise that you can start seeing the effects on your hair, skin etc. Another big hormone issue is menopause. Women as young as 40 may start noticing their hair starting to thin out, usually around the hairline first.

  4. Post-partum. This can definitely be linked to the hormone issue. Most women who have recently had a baby experience this kind of hair loss. Usually it’s temporary and some hair products can help regrow or thicken the hair. Take a deep breath, you won’ t have “mom bangs” forever!

    Tips For How To Regrow Your Hair

  1. Look for the cause. Generally if I’m noticing the hair loss while you’re in my chair it’s not a new problem and you’ve already noticed. At this point I’d recommend seeing your doctor or a naturopath and having some bloodwork done. Bloodwork is a great place to start and can show anything from vitamin deficiencies to hormone imbalances.

  2. Take those supplements. I’ve seen a ton of people who love Hair Gummies! There are a ton on the market but I’ve heard great things about Sugar Bear brand and Hair Hearts brand. Iron and Thyroid levels can also wreak havoc on your hair, but you’ll have to figure that out with your doctor and bloodwork.

  3. Increase blood flow. Scalp massages and gentle brushing can help increase blood flow to your scalp with will signal your body to grow some new hair. Also, who doesn’t want their head rubbed?! It’s literally the best part of getting your hair done and also benefits your scalp. Win-win! Want a little pro tip? Use Pureology’s Hydrate Conditioner, it has the best smell, it’s vegan and contains peppermint and menthol which is perfect to stimulate your scalp.

  4. Get enough protein. This one is kind of annoying because we already have so many industries telling us what to eat, BUT hair is made up of keratin which is protein. So if you’re not getting enough protein in your diet it wouldn’t suprise me at all if your hair was suffering from it.

  5. Silk pillowcases. This isn't science but I’ve switched over from cotton to silk and I’ve noticed a huge difference in both my hair and my skin. Silk is so much smoother and has way less friction, therefore you should have less breakage, less frizz and less tangles. I don’t get any pillow creases on my face anymore so I can tell it’s working!

  6. Hair products. Use the stuff your stylist recommends, it’s for a reason! Generally we’re recommending products that are sulfate free, paraben free, silicon free etc. We want you using the best products you can to maintain that beautiful hair we just worked on. Think about this… you spend $250 on your hair service and then you run to Target or the grocery store and you buy shampoo and condition for a total of $20. Does this sound like a good fit? No. Listen to your stylist please.

    1. Extensions. Here’s a hot topic. All extensions are not created equal. I’m a national educator for Laced Hair Extensions and we offer several different methods of extensions for that reason. Not every head of hair can handle beaded weft extensions, some people love tape-in’s and some hate them, sometimes keratin tips can be the least damaging if you’re covering only a small area. That’s where your stylist comes in. You need to make sure you’re getting a thorough consultation and I would find someone who has been certified through an extension brand vs. self taught. They should be taking into consideration what your hair can handle, if you’re having hair loss issues they need to be informed and they should be keeping your hair health as the #1 priority.

If I can help with any other recommendations please let me know! It’s amazing how many women suffer from hair loss and never know that there’s way that they can improve their overall health that can help with their hair health. You’re not alone.

Ashlynn Sterusky